Completely Sealed, Highly Controlled & Fully Automated


Built as a holistic system, the SunChamber™ is revolutionizing commercial cannabis cultivation. This innovative smart greenhouse for cannabis is for growers looking to get ahead of the competition by producing consistent and quality cannabis while saving money on operating costs. 

Smart greenhouse SunChamber by Ceres

Smart Greenhouses for Cannabis

Maximize Efficiency & Returns

The SunChamber™ is defined by its sealed facility and the integration of energy-efficient systems: The EcoLoop™ and The SunSense™ controller. The EcoLoop™ is our geothermal HVACD system, a renewable energy source that uses the steady temperature of the earth underground to create precise temperature and humidity levels.

This sealed cannabis greenhouse can reduce energy consumption by up to 60%.

Designing Smart Greenhouses for the Future of Cannabis Cultivation:

  • The SunChamber™ is built on a modular scale to allow for easy expansion in the event that your business grows 
  • We prepare our designs for federal legalization: The SunChamber™ is built with a pharmaceutical mindset – designing pressurized rooms and taking into account airflow and the movement of people.
  • Designs are compliant with GMP and GACP standards, so when growers buy a Ceres greenhouse for growing cannabis they are prepared for international cultivation standards.

A Smart Greenhouse Controller

The SunSense™ controller manages the greenhouse environment in one easy-to-use interface and allows for precise VPD-based control. With The SunSense™ controller you can achieve optimized results and a better understanding of your grow environment with the controller’s customized smart greenhouse analytics. The SunSense™ allows for total control over all your other greenhouse systems for a more comprehensive grow operation. When your greenhouse works as one unit, you increase the efficiency of your operation and save money. 

SunSense™ Controller

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